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terça-feira, 11 de março de 2014

Arte Marcial - Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) - Entendo nosso Legado - Understanding our legacy

Arte Marcial - Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) - Entendo nosso Legado    - Understanding  our legacy-

                                                            Mestre Leo Imamura

A relação entre um Si Fu e um To Dai, transcende gerações de ancestrais e chega ao século 21.
Como essa Arte Marcial Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) esta sendo preservada em pleno século 21 e como a relação entre Mestre e Discípulo (Si-To) e encarada nos dias de hoje em função da sociedade moderna?
Nesta segunda parte de nosso Hangout, Mestre Leo Imamura e Mestre Nino Bernardo conversam sobre esse aspecto na Arte Marcial Ving Tsun (Wing Chun).

The relationship between a Si Fu and To Dai, transcends generations of ancestors and arrives to the 21st century.
How  this Marcial Art Ving Tsun  (Wing Chun) has being preserved in the 21st century and how the relationship between Master and Disciple (Si-To) being seen these days in light of modern society.
In this second part of our Hangout, Master Leo Imamura and Master Nino Bernardo discuss about this aspect in Ving Tsun Martial Arts (Wing Chun).

quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2014

Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu - Video 1ª part of the hangout about Chinese Martial Arts Tradition.

                                                             Master Nino Bernardo

     1ª part of the hangout about Chinese Martial Arts Tradition. 

In this special Hangout on the Chinese tradition of Martial Arts, we  received a special guest: Master Nino Bernardo.
Nino Bernardo, a musician and actor by trade, was one of a handful of students to learn the whole system of  Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu from legendary martial artist Wong Shun Leung in Hong Kong in the 1970s.
In 1984, Nino set up an infamous word-of-mouth kung fu school in London called the Basement, where he developed a reputation as one of Europe's most skilful and influential Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu teachers. He was also Wong Shun Leung's senior UK representative until the untimely death of his teacher in 1997.
Nino has lived in  Ibiza since 2000, where his set up Europe's first alternative school Kung fu School. His emphasis in recent years has been on the importance of learning Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu  for health and personal development.