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quarta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2014

The Transcendence of a Martial Artist.

Throughout Chinese civilization, some men stood out for their knowledge in Chinese traditional arts. All of these arts helped the individual reach the main virtues proclaimed by humanity, namely: humility, determination, peace, kindness, justice and loyalty, among others.

These ancient arts could be separated into two categories: those in which the physical involvement was predominant, such as on martial arts and driving chariots, and those that were considered more delicate or intellectuals, like painting, sculpture, literature, calligraphy, music to mathematics.

"Principle of Ying-Yang" teaches us that opposites must coexist, interacting harmoniously. Likewise, in the past, it was considered a true artist who mastered the arts belonging to the two categories mentioned.

Grand Master Moy Yat, following the guidance of his mentor, the late Patriarch Yip Man, began the study of Chinese traditional arts from a very young age. Although it is known worldwide in the field of martial arts, in particular the system Ving Tsun(Wing Chun) , he is also a master of painting, sculpture, literature and calligraphy.

Although Moy Yat is a frequent figure in specialized journals in Chinese art, after all he is a consultant to the Museum of Natural History in New York and the Chinese Academy of Arts, is the first time presented to the public his side little known, leaving this privilege KIAI magazine.

On the eve of his official retirement, his Kung Fu is still impressive at least. It's amazing the power of time on people who honestly has been dedicated to the practice of his art.

This interview took place in New York, as a confirmation of who wrote it, Dr. Cameron Hurst, professor of Chinese and Korean history at the University of Pennsylvania and director of the Center for East Asian Studies at the same university: "... devotion to a single path in particular was widely advocated especially in martial arts texts.

The idea is that if a person exclusively devote full understanding of a single path, then paradoxically, their understanding is consistent across all paths.

Miyamoto Musashi, for example, stated that after years of devotion to the single "Heio" (martial arts), he eventually became an expert in a variety of "Geido" (Artistic paths), all without the help of a master.

Follow the path of this amazing teacher, the last of his line, which assigns all his artistic development to the practice of martial arts, his beloved Art Ving Tsun(Wing Chun).

How are the Martial Arts inserted in the Chinese Traditional Arts?

Martial arts are part of the so-called Chinese Traditional Arts. Perhaps because of the martial arts will combine aesthetics with usable, being considered by many the most important of Chinese Arts Traditional. Since my father was an artist, it allowed me as a child to have contact with the Chinese Traditional Arts.
I think the other traditional arts that allow the martial artist to develop a high artistic sensibility, as required in any human manifestation.

Although for decades my main focus has been the study of the art of Ving Tsun(Wing Chun), I currently have dedicated the mornings and afternoons to other traditional arts, leaving only the period of the night to practice the martial art.

I've been training since young, without sleeping much. I always had much time to dedicate myself the arts, while performing other activities. "

In the foreword of his book "The Legend of Kung Fu Masters", a famous journalist from Hong Kong makes it clear that even in china few masters can master so many excellences as you. How is this possible for a teacher in the twentieth century?

"Due to my learning of Ving Tsun(Wing Chun) with the Patriarch YIP MAN I could learn how to manage time properly, which allowed me to have the opportunity to devote myself to other traditional Chinese arts. Ving Tsun(Wing Chun) teaches among other things how to control the time.
With this, the practitioner shall have time to devote to other activities of interest. In my case, I undertook the Chinese Traditional Arts, other practitioners of Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) dedicated to other excellences of life.
Many see the martial artist as a fighter, a being brutal. This is because many preach the exclusive dedication to his own art, ignoring other activities. In Ving Tsun (Wing Chun), it teachs to do the martial art as a means of reaching the other arts, not an end in itself."

But how this art, Ving Tsun (Wing Chun), provides that an ordinary person can be successful in many areas of human knowledge?

"The art of Ving Tsun(Wing Chun) teaches us to learn how to learn. I think the most important point is to first have a good knowledge of the Ving Tsun(Wing Chun) system. Through their learning, the Ving Tsun practitioner learns to perform two or even three movements simultaneously. This will surely reflect on the activities of their lives. In my case, even the Western arts are my interest. For example, I remember that in Hong Kong, during a period of morning learning how to make photo montages and at night creating drinks.
Lately, I have devoted myself for some time to traditional Chinese music and Chinese Opera. I believe that humility is essential for us to practice. Many pretentious people, after a while, simply believe they are good enough to stop practicing. It is not my case. So I think that if we know how to manage our time, only then can we devote fully to the practices we choose for life."

Please explain in more detail how Ving Tsun(Wing Chun) can teach us to save time?

"In ancient China, the practice of Traditional Arts was related to social class. Only the most socially privileged had availability to engage the arts.
For this reason, under certain point of view, time is more valuable than money.
However, Ving Tsun began teaching people how to save time. In other words, how to have more temporal availability.
So people from less privileged classes as I could engage the arts. However, it was necessary to unfold and be very dedicated. Through the Ving Tsun(Wing Chun), I developed the insight to save time at every moment. For example, try to eat meals as quickly as possible.

Ordinary people may say that this is bad, but if you have the mental focus on eating, not only the food will be better utilized by the body as you can eat much faster than normal.
Another example, when walking, always look for the shortest route, never walk in circles. Even in places full of people, it is important to predict the trajectory of the people that are coming your way. Another example: when speaking, try to explain as much as possible with the minimum of words. Choose the right words and energy on each one, increases understanding of their thinking and reduces the repetition of phrases.
People should understand the nature of time to devote to learning more from life. So all my time is used to self-improvement ".

Currently you are considered a world leading expert in the manufacture of the traditional chinese seals (stamps). Could you explain something about this art?

"The Art of Traditional Chinese stamps is one of the hardest of expression, it is necessary to have knowledge of archaic ideograms - some dating back thousands of years - and how to write them into the proper aesthetics. Additionally, you must have the ability to know how to carve the ideograms in stone seals, any mistake can ruin all the work, since it is impossible to make adjustments.
For its intrinsic difficulty this art requires much time to master. It therefore lacks many experts. As challenges are my nature, I identified immediately with this art.
It's been forty years and I'm still practicing. Fortunately, today many of my students are very respected in the art, which leads me to believe that it will still be preserved for many years. "

In the 60s, you connected the martial art and traditional art of seals to develop the famous collection "Ving Tsun Kuen Kuit", supervised personally by the Patriarch YIP Man, How did this idea?

"The practitioners of Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) needed to have a reliable source on the history of our style. The concern of the Patriarch YIP MAN was that the ancient wisdom could be lost forever. By registering in stone all this knowledge, the legacy of the ancestors would be guaranteed to be transmitted to subsequent generations. History has shown that many paper documents were destroyed, losing forever the legacy of our ancestors. And for this reason that the stone represents eternity. It cannot be burned or torn.

In painting, you have developed a new technique that has structured an entire monochromatic collection called "BLUSH STROKES." Why is this collection so controversial?

"Because the theme of the 'BLUSH Strokes' collection is sex. In the worldwide arts there is a certain bias towards this issue. Some paint the nude. But mostly avoid accomplish the most famous paintings of people making love, that is, they avoid the issue regarding the sexual act itself. As an artist, I understand that art must transcend the moral prejudices, so I risked the reputation I have built during the forty years of my career to fill a gap that is the aesthetic expression of what I consider one of the sublime moments of human nature.
For that I developed a monochrome technique, with simple lines, an abstract conception, following exactly the aesthetic design of the art of Ving Tsun. "

Why the name "blush Strokes"?

'Blush Strokes' is a pun of 'Brush Strokes'. 'Blush' in English, is when someone feels embarrassed and ends up getting blushed. That happens a lot when we talk about sex. And also very similar to ‘Brush', in English.
When the "Stroke" in English can mean both a movement when we make love as well as a stroke made ​​by the brush. Thus, the name combines the theme with the technique. The theme 'Blush Strokes' can be translated as 'the reddening to see two people making love', while the technique used is 'Brush Strokes', in other words, the technique of simple strokes. Without doubt, the ideal name to convey my message."

While a vehicle for the perpetuation of an expression, what is the difference between martial arts and other traditional Chinese arts?

"From this point of view to say that on one side are those such as Traditional Chinese Painting, in which its expression is recorded for posterity, but are static, because they reflect that special moment forever that once the context is changed, it can no longer be special.
But even then, the work and the signature of its author will be there to be seen and understood by future generations.
On the other side are the martial arts and Chinese opera. They are dynamic because they can be transformed to each context. However, its expression can not be captured by other than the human mind. That moment of brilliance, in which years of intense practice can register them because it would capture the magic of that moment. Only through the pure transmission of feelings is that art can be perpetuated. Only true disciples perpetuate the art properly. For this reason, in China, the choice of a disciple is as serious as choosing a master. And that's where lies the importance of a traditional martial art.
For these reasons I have held both forms of perpetuating the art as they are completed. "

Since you mentioned about traditional Chinese calligraphy, what is your opinion about the popularity of this art?

"To develop your artistic sense through calligraphy is necessary the study and dedication.
Harmonize short lines with long lines or thin with thick strokes is as difficult as deciding the size of each ideogram as a whole.
This aesthetic perception is only possible through great mental exercise, which attracts people who want to use their minds more fully. “

With Hong Kong returning to belong to the People's Republic of China in 1997, many traditional Chinese families are leaving the city, emigrating to the United States.

You have been approached by many of these families to tutor their children, where these young people have access to traditional Chinese culture by learning the traditional arts major. Do you believe that the ancient arts are being phased out and will not survive the next century?

"For a long time I worried about the fact that there is no person who could preserve the Chinese traditional arts, in particular the Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) system.
Today I am calm, as some of my disciples managed to capture the essence of art, becoming masters of the art. This makes people finally understand that what is broadcast is the Ving Tsun(Wing Chun) system and not my own knowledge.
The essence of the art of Ving Tsun(Wing Chun) is it's pure transmission. Perhaps for this reason that people all over the world, even on my official retirement, come to me to receive the pure knowledge of the art of Ving Tsun(Wing Chun) system.
Even if I die, I'm sure my followers will continue to preserve my legacy. "

segunda-feira, 6 de outubro de 2014

Mestre Leo Imamura Visita Brasília - DF

No dias 03,04 e 05 de outubro, Mestre Leo Imamura visitou Brasilia-DF com o objetivo de poder conviver com os seus descendentes que hoje representam a 12ª geração desse legado.
Mestre Nataniel Rosa que é o Diretor responsável pelo Núcleo da Moy Yat Ving Tsun em Brasilia desde de 2002, foi o responsável por organizar esse evento.

A Visita Oficial da Liderança do Clã Moy Yat Sang concorre para que o descendente deGrão-Mestre Moy Yat vivencie o processo de provimento progressivo da Vida Kung Fu. E, desta maneira, propiciar oportunidades para ativar propensões que permitam refletir sobre a validade da Vida Kung Fu.
Este instrumento estratégico representa uma inovação, proporcionada por Grão-MestreMoy Yat, no aprendizado do Sam Faat, a partir de sua experiência com o Patriarca Ip Man.

                                            Jantar de Boas-Vindas a Mestre Leo Imamura

                                            Inicio das atividades com Mestre Leo Imamura

                                                       Foto Oficial do Evento

sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

Video - Historical seminar about weapons of Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) system. Seminário Histórico sobre as armas do Sistema Ving Tsun (Wing Chun).

The texts below are in Portuguese followed by the English translation.

No dia 1º de junho na cidade da Philadelphia - EUA, o clã Moy Bah Hugh  se mobilizou para celebrar o do aniversário de seu líder, Grão-Mestre Pete Pajilbem como a sua aposentadoria.
Os dias que antecederam esse evento foram de intensas atividades que contaram com a presença de vários discípulos e Mestres de nossa linhagem.
Os principais discípulos de Grão-Mestre Moy Yat se reuniram em um seminário histórico em que cada um deles pode falar sobre as armas do Sistema Ving Tsun (Wing Chun).

Foram os seguintes palestrantes:

Si Fu Sunny Tang (10GVT)
Si Fu Tony Watts (10GVT)
Si Fu Pete Pajil (10GVT)
Si Fu Miguel Hernández (10GVT)
Si Fu Leo Imamura (10GVT)
Si Fu Sam Harris (10GVT)

                                                   Mestre Leo Imamura 

Nesta ocasião, Mestre Leo Imamura falou sobre o Bastão Longo do Sistema Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) e sua experiência na exploração dessa arma.
Esse video esta sendo diponibilizado a todos com legendas em Português e Inglês.

On the 1st of June at the city of Philadelphia, the Moy Bah Hugh clan mobilized themselves to celebrate their lider's birthday, Grandmaster Pete Pajil, as well as his retirement.
The days before this event were filled by intense activities which counted with the presence of many disciples and Masters from our lineage.
Grandmaster Moy Yat's main disciples gathered in a historical seminar in which each could talk about the Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) System's weapons.
The panelists were:

Si Fu Sunny Tang (10GVT)
Si Fu Tony Watts (10GVT)
Si Fu Pete Pajil (10GVT)
Si Fu Miguel Hernández (10GVT)
Si Fu Leo Imamura (10GVT)
Si Fu Sam Harris (10GVT)

In this occasion, Master Leo Imamura spoke about the Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) System's long pole and his experience in exploration the weapon.
This video is being available to everyone, with subtitles both in Portuguese and English.

English version:

 Versão Portuguesa

segunda-feira, 21 de julho de 2014

Avaliação do Cenário nas Artes Marciais - Video - Entrevista com Mestre Leo Imamura

                                                              Mestre Leo Imamura

Ao escrever “Kung Fu sem sistema, não é Kung Fu. Kung Fu que depende de um sistema, não é bom Kung Fu”, Grão-Mestre Moy Yat traduziu sistema como hai tung.

Mestre Leonardo Mordente, tradutor oficial da Moy Yat Ving Tsun Martial Intelligence, esclarece que a palavra hai tung 系統 é tautológica, isto é, as idéias veiculadas por hai e por tung se equivalem e se reforçam. Assim, pode-se dizer que a ênfase em um hai tung 系統, como bem representa a própria palavra, recai sobre a relevância das ligações, a conexão das partes, a constituição do todo, a suficiência do conjunto.

 Para caracterizar um sistema, Grão-Mestre Moy Yat insistia na importância da conexão (tung) entre os seus componentes.
Atentar sobre a importância das diferenças, para identificar como passar de um componente para outro, torna-se fundamental no estudo do Sistema Ving Tsun (Wing Chun). Cada componente está listado para poder ser explorado cada um a sua maneira, sendo essas as diferenças que nos levam a perceber como passar de uma natureza para outra. 

Neste video abaixo Mestre Leo Imamura explicada como esse Sistema Chinês de Inteligência  Estratégica ajuda o praticante a entender o Cenário (Configuração) e como a Vida Kung Fu (Saan Fat) é importante neste contexto.

                                              Avaliação do Cenário nas Artes Marciais 

segunda-feira, 14 de julho de 2014

Video - Experiência Marcial e a Tutorização nas Artes Marciais

                                                             Mestre Leo Imamura

Qual o Significado do termo Tutor?

Tutor significa um indivíduo que protege, dá amparo e defende outra pessoa, e é um termo de origem inglesa. O tutor é um protetor de outro, geralmente são crianças e pessoas que não tem condições de se defender ou de cuidar de si mesmo.

Tutor é um termo muito utilizado no Direito, que é quando uma pessoa é nomeada para exercer a função legal de tutor, de tutela de alguém. Uma pessoa vira tutor de outra quando essa não tem condições, geralmente crianças menores de idade, ou com alguma deficiência, e que não possam cuidar de si próprios.

Qual a relação do Termo Tutor com o Sistema Ving Tsun?

Tutor é um termo que designa, de modo geral, todo aquele que promove a tutorização dos domínios do Sistema Ving Tsun, através dos níveis de acesso do Programa Moy Yat VingTsun de Inteligência Marcial.
Foi Grão-Mestre Moy Yat o primeiro profissional a associar este termo com a salvaguarda do Sistema Ving Tsun. O Programa Moy Yat Ving Tsun de Inteligência Marcial homenageia o idealizador da Denominação Moy Yat Ving Tsun ao instituir o termo “Tutor” como titulo tutorial.
As classes de Tutor representam o compromisso evolutivo da salvaguarda do SistemaVing Tsun, conforme a Programa Moy Yat Ving Tsun de Inteligência Marcial.

Acompanhe no video abaixo essa interessante entrevista com Mestre Leo Imamura, na qual ele explica a importância de se Tutorar o Sistema Ving Tsun.

sexta-feira, 11 de julho de 2014

Moy Yat Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Celebra o Dia Memorial do Ving Tsun (Wing Chun)

                                            Mestre Leo Imamura e Mestre Nataniel Rosa

Na década de 60, nossa arte tornou-se extremamente popular em Hong Kong, sendo considerada a mais praticada nesta cidade. Era necessário fundar uma associação geral que dirigisse o sistema Ving Tsun (Wing Chun). Assim, o patriarca Ip Man e seus discípulos passaram a trabalhar incessantemente para este fim. Foi criado um comitê preparatório e Grão-Mestre Moy Yat foi nomeado seu presidente. Nesta época de extrema popularidade, as pessoas em Hong Kong passaram então a utilizar o termo “WING CHUN” como o modo informal de transliteração. Não demorou muito para se utilizar apenas as iniciais para designar nossa arte, ou seja, WC. Com a fundação da associação geral, era preciso estabelecer uma transliteração oficial para o nome de nossa arte. Grão-Mestre Moy Yat, um dos poucos discípulos diretos o patriarca Ip Man, que falava inglês, sugeriu que a transliteração popular “Wing Chung” com suas iniciais WC poderia causar embaraço aos nossos praticantes, já que WC são também as iniciais de Water Closet, que quer dizer banheiro em inglês. Ouvindo isso, o patriarca determinou que se estudasse a transliteração adequada. Desta maneira, com a fundação da HONG KONG VING TSUN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, o termo Ving Tsun tornou-se a transliteração oficial de nossa arte e foi determinado que o dia 04 de Julho seria o dia Memorial do Ving Tsun

Nesta data, que é considerada auspiciosa, Mestre Leo Imamura aceitou como seu Discípulo de primeira geração e de segunda geração de Grão-Mestre Moy Yat Pedro Seraphin.
Após a essa cerimônia conhecida em chinês como Bai Si, fomos todos ao restaurante para celebrarmos o discipulado e o Dia memorial do Ving Tsun (Wing Chun).
Durante o jantar podemos relembrar inumaras historias contadas por cada um dos membros e convidados presentes, referente as suas vivências no Sistema Ving Tsun (Wing Chun).

                                                Foto Oficial Tirada após a Cerimônia de Bai Si

                                                             Jantar de Celebração 

quarta-feira, 9 de julho de 2014

Darren Leung - Interview 3º part.

In this third episode of this current Hangout, Darren Leung talks about how was his preparation for the role in the film and recounts his experience in participating in this Chinese production.
Master Leo Imamura answered what was the reason that led the Patriarch Ip Man to teach Ving Tsun (Wing chun) in Fat San.
In this episode Master Leo Imamura talks about the first student of Ip Man in Fat San during the Japanese invasion.
This and much more you can see in the video below:

quarta-feira, 25 de junho de 2014

The GrandMaster - Interview whith Darren Leung - 2º Part.

     In this second part Master Leo Imamura answers about IP Man.

In this second part of our special hangout (The Grandmaster), Master Leo Imamura answered questions about the film and the relation with Ip Man in real life.
The original title of the film (The GrandMaster) has some relation with the Patriarch Ip Man?
What led Ip Man to transmit Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) in Fat Saan?
What was the involvement of the Patriarch with Ip Man in martial circle in Fat Saan?
This and much more you can see in the video below:

quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2014

IP Man Movie - The GrandMaster - Interview with Darren Leung - 1ª Part

Ip Man Movie -The GrandMaster - Interview with Darren Leung

In this Special Hangout On Air, Master Darren Leung  can tell us a bit about the Making Of the movie about Patriarch Ip Man, known as The Grandmaster. 
Backstage Stories, shooting accidents and their interaction with actors and as well  the participation of his father, Master Duncan Leung, you will see in the video below.

The second part of the hangout you will see soon!!

terça-feira, 10 de junho de 2014

The GrandMaster (a Ving Tsun movie) - Special hangout with Darren Leung

The Hangout will be in english Only 
 on Wednesday, June 18º

 This hangout will be starting at  10:30 pm, U.S local Time  and 23:30 pm, Brazilian Local Time

 On Wednesday June 18º, we will have a special hangout talking about the movie The GrandMaster (a Ving Tsun Movie). This film was attended by Darren Leung, son of Master Duncan Leung ( Applied Wing Chun).
He'll tell us all a bit about the making of the film and his participation in it as well his father.

                                                             Sifu Darren Leung

Most recently, He was the main Ving Tsun( Wing Chun ) trainer for all of the main actors and key crew in the Oscar-nominated movie, The Grandmaster, while also consulting the director and stunt coordinator in key aspects of the story and editing, as well as fight scenes. This role required carefully tailoring an otherwise rigidly taught art to students with wildly varying physical abilities and language backgrounds.

You can access the Hangout by Leo Imamura's Google Plus or Youtube profile and send your questions via Twitter (# batepapoleoimamura).
You'll also be able to leave your questions in advance in this article's comments section.

We look forward to see everyone there!

quarta-feira, 4 de junho de 2014

Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) - A Arte da Defesa ou A Arte da Antecipação - 2ª parte da Entrevista com Mestre Leo Imamura


Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) - A Arte da Defesa ou da Antecipação? Mestre Leo Imamura fala sobre a importância da avaliação de cenários quando o assunto é Defesa Pessoal , pois para o cidadão comum a defesa pessoal deverá estar no âmbito da antecipação.
Quais os elementos que devemos levar em consideração quando falamos sobre avaliação de Cenários e  Antecipação?
Isso e muito mais vocês verão no video abaixo:

quinta-feira, 22 de maio de 2014

Defesa Pessoal nas Artes Marciais - Veja a Primeira parte da Entrevista com Mestre Leo Imamura

 O Papel da Antecipação na Defesa Pessoal!

Quando falamos de Defesa Pessoal nas Artes Marciais, falamos de Antecipação ou de Remediação?
As técnicas de Defesa Pessoal nas Artes Marciais seriam elas a chave para sair de situações de risco?
Para falar sobre esse assunto convidamos Mestre Leo Imamura, ele responderá sobre essas e outras questões pertinentes a Defesa Pessoal nas Artes Marciais.
Segue abaixo a primeira parte de nossa entrevista!!!!

segunda-feira, 5 de maio de 2014

Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) e a Defesa Pessoal - Uma Nova abordagem no conceito de Defesa Pessoal

 Vejam o Teaser da Próxima entrevista com Mestre Leo Imamura 

Dentro do mundo das Artes Marciais, talvez o tema mais discutido seja a Defesa Pessoal.
Cada vez mais as pessoas vão a procura de escolas que as ensinem a como se defenderem em uma sociedade cada vez mais violenta.
O Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) e a Defesa Pessoal também se torna um tema muito abrangente em inúmeros debates em redes sociais.
Como essa Artes Marcial Antiga, pode ajudar na compreensão  dessa temática?
Pra falar sobre esse assunto convidamos Mestre Leo Imamura.

Aguardem a Entrevista completa!!!! Em Breve!!!!!

segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2014

Sistema Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) e o Método.

Sistema Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) e o Método.

Dentre todos os sistemas que as diversas civilizações puderam, ou sonharam produzir, não seria exagero afirmar que o Sistema Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung Fu poderia ser considerado o mais inusitado. Não tanto pela sua mensagem, mas pela forma como foi composto no universo das Artes Marciais Chinesas.
Pelo fato desse sistema de desenvolvimento humano não ter sido “escrito” , ele nos coloca o mais longe possível daquilo para que milênios de cultura livresca nos formaram. Isto porque o Sistema Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) KungFu não se constitui de palavras, mas de movimentos corporais de combate Simbólico.
O pensamento chinês, desde cedo, esteve propenso à sistematização (idéia inicial de Hai Tong ). Na impossibilidade de modelar a evolução natural de uma tendência (idéia inicial de Do ), já que ele é constantemente mutável, não restou outra alternativa possível senão trabalhar a variável.
Ao invés de construir uma teoria das formas, o pensamento chinês elaborou um sistema de variação. Em vez de empenhar-se em extrair traços comuns e que seriam mais ou menos fixos, mais ou menos estáveis, ele explora, até onde vão, as possibilidades da mudança.
O Hai Tong (Sistema) é fruto de uma cultura que se preocupou em esclarecer de que modo, pela atenção que dedica aos processos, o fenômeno da propensão poderia ser favorecido ou bloqueado.

Assim, ela nos oferece uma análise minuciosa dos efeitos das condicionantes. Ao insistir sobre a importância das condicionantes, o pensamento chinês apresenta uma visão inédita da eficácia - Não se deve pretender diretamente o efeito desejado (pois isso implica forçar, e o resultado será precário) mas antes, fazer com que este efeito possa decorrer, por iniciativa própria, como simples conseqüência das condições preparadas (também idéia inicial de Kung Fu功夫).
Neste nosso episódio Mestre Leo Imamura fala sobre as diferenças entre o Método e o um Sistema chinês.