David Peterson, iniciou seu treinamento com seu Mestre Wong Shung Leung em 1983.
Atualmente ele representa duas organizações importantes de Ving Tsun: Wong Shung Leung Ving Tsun Martial Art Association e a Ving Tsun Athletic Association.
Nesta pequena entrevista ele coloca sua versão sobre a pratica do Muk Yang Jong, bem como um pouco do contexto historico que envolve essa pratica.
David Peterson, began his training with his Master Wong Leung Shung in 1983.
Currently he represents two important organizations of Ving Tsun: Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun Martial Art Association and the Ving Tsun Athletic Association.
In this short interview he talks about his version of the practice of Muk Yang Jong, as well as a bit of historical context surrounding this practice.
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